Alexander: a Character Analysis by Cushla Grigg.

Listen my children, of the most horrible person I have encountered (and I am an officer in Ahoy, I’ve met some nasty people in my days.) Ok here goes, Alexander is nasty from his oily hair to his perfectly clean black shoes. Firstly, his appearance: he has perfect… Read More

How To Treat Your Sick Dragon By Svara Joshi

“Give that gem!” said Jeff, “I need it to make a potion!” “Never!” said the stranger. Jeff stabbed the stranger with his sword without regret and the man fell to the concrete road. Dark red blood started staining his clothes. Jeff grabbed the Phoenix gem and ran off… Read More

The Art of Theft: Part 5 by Phoebe Harris

I went in. I was on high alert, jumping at every little sound. The corridor was sparsely lined with doors, shut tight and scathed with claw marks, with threadbare carpet and low light. Even in the darkness, I could make out stains, dents and peeling bits of the… Read More

The Dragonridge Mountains: Part 1 by Nyla Martin

Let me Introduce our villain. In the Drangonridge Mountains there was a little man walking through the ice. A dragon swooped over him. This was usual because where he lived dragons outnumbered humans.         This little man’s name was Fred. At Drangonridge… Read More

The Illusion: Part 1 by Hugo Brodribb

I sigh in relief as I finally locate the ‘welcome tavern’. Its curves and corners seem to spin, the huge gargoyles and giant sculptures that are peppered over the building give it an eery feel. I push the old, wooden door aside and stumble through the doorway. Inside is not… Read More

Dungun Prison: Part 1 by Christian Lazzaro

Our story is set in an old run down tower that goes by the name of Dungun Prison. It is a single grey bulging in the Misty Isles. The Misty Isles are a bunch of islands in Ahoy, a giant beautiful post-magic landscape. Dungun Prison was once a… Read More

Espionage Cat: Part 1 by Akira Ellis

Ella crawled along the thin marble ledge of the darkened manor. Gargoyles looming up as is if to stop her. A cold wind had swept through Ahoy earlier today keeping many from going outside and leaving some to wait out the weather in a friend’s homestead. But not… Read More

Amy’s Adventure by Soraya Hutchison

It was on a hot summer’s morning in Blossom lane, a small city in the lands of Ahoy. A girl looked out the window and felt a tear in her eye. She had one desire in the world and that was to have friends. She was stuck in a castle… Read More

The Art of Theft: Part 4 by Phoebe Harris

I turned up to the manor anyway. The garden was lush and filled with water features and exotic hedges pruned into unicorns with wizened expressions, elephants with billowing trunks and centaurs with rippling muscles. The pink-stained cobblestones were glimmering, glass jewels embedded in the stone. A thin stream… Read More