Spells From the Grave: Part 2 by Ada Walker-Koh

The woods are dangerous. I’ve been told that my whole life. But the sound from the woods still plays on a loop in my head as I go home. That horrible thing, whatever it was, probably got hurt. Serves it right! Everybody knows that the creatures in the… Read More

The Peasant Trials: Part 1 by Ella Thomson

Ebony Huggersworth walked the grimy streets of Nulbarukth, beggars everywhere. Nulbarukth was a small town in Ahoy. She felt a sharp tug on her ankle and looked down to see a greasy old woman under a piece of cardboard on the side of the road. Ebony knew she… Read More

A Pirate’s Tale by Harvey Harris

“Arrrrr!” The pirates yelled faintly from the tavern. I lay in my bed trying to doze off but the pirates were too loud to go to sleep. They chattered until 2:00am nearly every day and night. I sometimes listened to their stories through the cracked walls of my… Read More

A Crack in the Shell: Part 1 by Isabel Rio

Zola ran. Her scarf flailing around her, dancing with the wind. She’d been wandering aimlessly for days, acting like she knew the way. Her feet had blisters but they didn’t hurt. How could a person with such determination have time for the pain felt by the weak? She… Read More

A Wish to be Free (bedtime story excerpt) by Isobel Bartolo

Nabsurgo took the baby out of Mrs Gonduss’s arms and followed her to a room she had never seen before. The room was a soft peach colour and decorated with assorted baby animals. Nabsurgo felt a warm and loving sense across her normally cold and grey body, unlike… Read More

Tales From Landlocked: Fly With The Wind by Aurelie Kostova

The rain pounds on the roof of Landlocked as we owls all cuddle together trying to get the most warmth on this stormy day. “Alright everyone I’ve got a lovely story to tell!” says Owen.         “Uhhhh,” everyone groans. Everyone knows that Owen… Read More

The Legend of the Horntail by Divit Garg

They say that in the deep west of the Great Desert, under a few metres deep in the sand there was the most fierce dragon. He has scaly horns and fire as strong as anything you can imagine. He is coloured brown. There is a print on the sand and… Read More