Two Days After by Nadia Dimond

Journal Entry (After Starfall) It’s two days after the big incident. A lot has changed, and many people have died and been injured. Nothing seems real. We didn’t think that Yore could ever fall, even though we knew it had to happen some day. But just not this… Read More

Diary Entry by Sophie Nikolarakos

Diary Entry 7:28 strides past midday My stomach still feels like butterflies. I can’t seem to shake them. I need to, and soon, because if anyone finds out, it’s over for me. I probably, on second thoughts, shouldn’t be writing, just in case. … Read More

Wild – by Keira Lin

  A poem in the Afeard Wilds by Daisy Oopsie Wild Scary Sand Sun Blisters Unexpected Hippotown Crying Family Wifi Flowers Books School Cosy Warm Home… Read More

Someone’s Been Murdered by Edison Donnelly

Everything was silent. The only sound was the crunching of the detective’s shoes on the hard ground with leaves and branches strewn across the floor. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. But there was still the rustling of branches and the wind whistling. A… Read More

Maya and Via by Yena Lee

“I hate you!” screeched Muggin angrily, with her poised finger at the ready, shaking with fury. “You don’t know me!” Huggin shot back. They had their faces pinned against each other; Huggin’s scrawny and skinny one and Muggin’s fat one. “I could…” he paused for thought, “I… Read More

The Last Stance of Yore by Uros Stefanov

Bang! The earth rumbled again. All hope slowly drained out of me. The trees swayed from side to side banging the houses with loud thuds. The salty water waves bangd against the docks creating an unpleasant rhythmic beat. The villagers were wailing and all huddled together, me being one of… Read More

Dan and the Dragons by Maks Stankiewicz

I liked adventuring, but after my dad finished his last adventure, everyone was bored. There were no dragons, no action, no fun. I wanted an adventure of my own. My name is Dan Sledgehammer, by the way, I have a dog, Rocky, and a cat, Fluffy. Rocky has a necklace… Read More

Specimen 400012 by Bertie Atkin

Part 1 The sign hung over the massive shop- Take one item for free- but choose well. A hooded figure entered the Cabinet of Curiosity as a withered old woman sat at the desk and watched as the figure flung open the doors and slipped inside. Pickled taxidermy animals floated… Read More

The Quadruple by Arjunaa Kandeepan

The Quadruple: New Beast (Part 1) It had been a whole month since Ricorard moved into the neighbourhood, and he was getting along nicely with them. They were putting on a surprise event which was A Big Welcome for him. That was until there was a report on TV. “This… Read More

Dawn and the Elves by Bella Goodrich

Thanks to Nina and my family. It was a cold and stormy day. I walked down my timber stairs. I still had flash backs from my dream. One step at a time, wondering why I had it. The dream looked so realistic. I could feel things. I remembered a huge… Read More