Misty Isles

Monkey Mystery: Part 1 by Olivia Poser

Captain Shark’s dark brown hair blew in the wind as they approached the Misty Isles. Her younger brother Benji was huddled up at the side of her boat puking, as he was one of those people who got seasick. Her crew was not seasick for they would not be pirates…

A Pirate’s Tale by Harvey Harris

“Arrrrr!” The pirates yelled faintly from the tavern. I lay in my bed trying to doze off but the pirates were too loud to go to sleep. They chattered until 2:00am nearly every day and night. I sometimes listened to their stories through the cracked walls of my…

The Frog by Noah Stefanoff

“Ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw that roc- OW!” Dirk hopped as fast as his little feet could carry him as they were sinking a bit in the sand. Trying to out jump a lizardman tribe is hard for a frog.    …